Chemical Cellulose

<span style=font-size:16px>Chemical Cellulose, made out of wood or cotton pulp,
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Chemical Cellulose, made out of wood or cotton pulp, is one of the world’s greatest product enhancers. Derivatives and modified types of Chemical Cellulose can be found in many of the products we depend on in our everyday lives. Often undetectable to the consumer, these products completely transform the user experience.

Thanks to Chemical Cellulose, tool handles last longer, low-fat dairy products are creamier, and flat screen TV’s and LCD/LED displays are clearer and stronger.

In addition, Chemical Cellulose gives everything from shampoo to dishwashing liquid a thicker, more luxuriant texture. It can also be used to provide greater strength and heat-stability to the industrial rayon cord in high-performance tires, and a richer finish to paints, lacquers, and nail polish.

When added to the manufacturing process, our Chemical Cellulose delivers:

  • Higher strength
  • Truer color
  • Better clarity
  • Higher viscosity
  • Fewer defects
  • Product consistency

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Alabama River Cellulose Tina Kicklighter, 2373 Lena Landegger Highway Perdue Hill, Alabama 36470 251-575-2000

Cellulose is our business. We welcome the challenge to work with our customers and develop innovative cellulose solutions.

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